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Auto Repair Services in Boise, ID

Rooster’s Auto Care provides expert auto repair, maintenance, and diagnostic services for vehicles of every make and model in Meridian, Boise, and the surrounding areas.
Call us at
(208) 373-5823 to find out what we can do for you.
Below are a few of the services we offer:
We provide full brake maintenance and repair services for your car, truck, or fleet vehicle. Read more on our Brake Repair page.
Check out our Transmission Repair page for information about our affordable transmission repair and rebuilding services.
Our trained auto mechanics will diagnose the problem and help you decide whether to repair or replace your engine in order to get the most life out of your vehicle. We are honest and only recommend necessary services.
Keep the inside of your vehicle cool in the summer and warm in the winter with a well-maintained air conditioning and heating system. See our auto AC and Heating Repair page for details.
We provide complete automotive repair and maintenance services for vehicles of all ages & types, including but not limited to:
  • Car battery replacement
  • Steering & suspension systems
  • Clutches
  • Diesel and small engine repair
  • Tire rotations
  • Alignments
  • Mufflers & exhaust systems
  • Starters
  • Timing and other belts
  • Oil changes
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Auto Repair Services in Boise, ID

Regular vehicle maintenance can help you avoid a breakdown. Our highly skilled mechanics will diagnose any problem you might be having and explain what is needed in a way you can understand. We will be honest with what we recommend, and we will never recommend a service unless it is needed.